Locations: Estonia. Tammsaare Park Year: 2121
The Waste Temple
The project is exposed at the exhibition in the Estonian Museum of Architecture 21.06-21.11.2021 - https://www.arhitektuurimuuseum.ee/en/naitus/the-house-that-we-need/
Curator: Jarmo Kauge
Coauthors: KTA: Mihkel Tüür, Indrek Rünkla;
Tallinn, Estonia
Spring 2021
The Waste Temple is a project that is aimed towards the era after several thousand years. The idea is to collect the material waste we produce to create depositories for the next generations. Those landfill structures will function as new quarries for the future population, hoping that they have use for this kind of partly decomposed substance. Instead of hiding our trash like it is done nowadays, we suggest that the depositories should be located where we want our descendants to dwell.
To assist people in this grandparental care, a new religion is created with its temples, priests and rituals. The temples will be the places where we can dispose of our leftovers and where they are then neatly stored for future discovery.
The proposed Temple is situated in downtown Tallinn at the location of the current Tammsaare Park (designed by KTA in 2012-2016). It is a stepwell with multiple levels. It fills up with waste as our civilization gradually reduces our pollutive practices or as it collapses under its own load.